Welcome to the online shopping platform of Thushara Auto Parts. You can order any auto part here.
User Instructions# Items
Each item contains following details.Name, Images, Category, Brand Name, Description, Price, Discount Price, and Bullets.# Popular Items
The top 20 most popular or frequently searched items in stock are displayed as popular items.# Profile
You can update your phone number and address by clicking the Edit option.# Search Algorithms
The search bar finds items by matching your keywords with the item's name and brand.The category filter allows you to refine search results to the selected category.You can make grammer mistakes but it not effected# Purchasing Items
You need to log in to place an order.When you proceed to buy something, you will be asked to specify the quantity, and your total price will be displayed.Make payment with given bank details and attarch an image of receiptYou will receive an order confirmation on WhatsApp. You can view your order by clicking the "View Order" button in the WhatsApp message.# Orders / Cart
You can view all your orders in the Cart.Admin Control Panel# Admin Panel
Click on "Admin Panel" in the navigation bar to be redirected to the admin panel.# Settings
You can modify website components, including:Name - Header titleGoogle Map - Insert location url & embeded iframe's urlSlider Image - URLs for homepage slider imagesMax Quantity of Order - Limit the quantity that a customer can order.Hotline - Hotline number. A WhatsApp redirect button is created automatically.# Add Item
Click on the "Add Item" button.Enter the Name and Price, then click on "Create."You will be automatically redirected to the editing page.Fill in the other details and click "Save."# Add Images to Item
Click on the "[+ Select Image]" button and select a 1x1 size image.Then, click on "Add Image."To delete an image, click on the image and confirm the delete action.Save your changes.# Orders
Customer orders are displayed here.After you deliver an order, click the "Confirm Order" button.The customer will then receive an "Order Confirmed" notification on WhatsApp.Application# Frame Work
Next.jsGenerated by create next appHard coded application# Database
PocketbaseDatabase handled on Pocketbase BaaS# Domain
register.lk LK Domain Registery# Hosting
Virtual Privet Servers (VPS)Developers# K.Prabhasha
Fullstack developers | evelocore.comDiscord - evelocoreWhatsApp - 077 611 5376Github - prabhasha2006E-mail - kumuthuprabhasha@gmail.com# Pasindu
Fullstack developers | ZyrizGithub - blueshineeE-mail - sadaminatou@gmail.com